Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and Onlays are utilized to repair your teeth when they're damaged, chipped, or have a cavity. As opposed to Dental Filling, the restoration is constructed from pure porcelain. It is created and calibrated to fit the cavity or gap precisely. The benefit from the Inlay or Onlay is that no pressure will not be applied to the tooth's surface (as is the situation with a dental filling). Your tooth is thus preserved for a longer time. In the case of an implant, the affected portion of your tooth is removed, and the area around it is cleaned and prepared to allow an inlay to be inserted into the socket that is created. For an Onlay, the damage is done to the tooth's surface, and the area affected is cleaned to the point that the restoration is placed in the gap created instead of within it. Both procedures are performed following the clinic's constant high standards and employing the most effective materials available. It is crucial that the Inlay or Onlay is the perfect fit to ensure that the tooth is fully sealed to protect the tooth beneath.

The VIP Clinics located in Marmaris come with their on-site lab/ dental ceramic studio that is fully equipped with necessary technology that allows the clinic to make your Inlays and Onlays inside the actual clinic using computer-aided software and technology called CAD/CAM that mills the restorations to guarantee a perfect fit. After your appointment, the dentist will make an image of the part that needs the Inlay or Onlay, and our clinic will develop the design with the Sirona Smile design suite. This suite of Dental Technicians creates a bespoke design that matches the shape of the restoration needed. The design is then transmitted to the CAD/CAM machine, which creates the Inlay or Onlay. The studio is dedicated to this purpose. The clinic can create Inlays and Onlays with the finest materials that meet the highest standards and without the necessity of an outside lab to finish every aspect of the process, which saves time and cost.
